tyc1286太阳集团 - 官网登录

tyc1286太阳集团 - 官网登录

0086 13906182269

Jiangsu tianma general equipment co. LTD.

Telephone: + 86-510-83316999

Fax: + 86-510-83305701

Email address: sales@tmjx.com


Intersection of Xinxing road and 312 National Road, Luoshe Town, Huishan District, Wuxi, Jiangsu


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      Tianma, the legendary "made in China", is a "dark horse" in the international industry, which is Jiangsu Tianma General Equipment Co., Ltd.

      From the "made in China" in terms of quantity and scale to the "made in China" which shows wisdom and creativity and has undergone substantial changes, the change of the mainstream language vividly reflects that more and more innovative achievements that can be "taken" on the international stage have emerged in China, as well as the national pride and self-confidence of Chinese people.

      The secret of Ma Xingbao's success is the indestructible iron rule - independent innovation. In seven years, he led Jiangsu Tianma to become the only Chinese enterprise that was regarded as a competitor by the international industry, breaking the pattern of 60 years of monopoly by the world's industry overlord. The road of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing" that Ma Xingbao insisted on is really enviable, and also opened a new window for China's science and technology to go to the world!

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